Tuesday, November 25, 2008

76 & Zul'Drak

Short night last night, just barely made 76. Trying to push for 77 or as close as I can get tonight. Hearing about how easy Naxx is is making me itch to raid again.

Random leveling conversation: I was grinding quests in some mine or other and saw a toon named Holycraap (or something similar) which I vaguely recognized. Turns out it's Prima's alt, who raided with us back in the day. She asked how the new guild was going and I said it was going well so far. She suggested that we'd do well in progression. I appreciated the compliment but was wondering how to gently inquire as to the source of her optimism when she volunteered, "because you guys are stubborn."

Well yeah, stubborn, sure, I'd like to think so. Maybe I should change the guild motd to that when I get on later to stubbornly grind more quests in Zul'drak.

BTW, I did the "ride the big giant" quest last night that was pretty good. It still took me 3 tries, though, because I was getting overrun by small mobs and had trouble targeting the healing storm clouds. Is everybody else having occasional trouble with these specialty riding/vehicle style quests or am I just a doofus?


Darsonsind said...

well beros if you want to try some ride/vechicle style quests, you can try the daily quest in Howling Fjord. It was really fun to ride an armed flying mechine and shooting around all the flying mobs at the site.

sskirby said...

I find that the key to the vehicle quests is knowing how to heal your vehicle. Once you get that down, it's all good because generally mobs spawn infinitely.

And yes, you are a doofus ;)
