Monday, November 24, 2008

Maintenance day

No, not server maintenance, maintenance day in the Beros household. A lazy Sunday goes a little something like this:

* Get up, have breakfast with the kids while Mrs Beros heads to exercise class
* Little ones distracted by the tv, log on, ding 75 and get Islowlykill to queue me for AV to ghetto port to Dalaran
* Insulate the leaky back door. New door sweep and weatherstripping. Watch Caillou with my 2yo.
* Fail to find an AH in Dalaran, port to IF to train and look for gems for JC quest. Only one Dark Jade on the AH and it's 65g. Wtf? The other green gems are 10g.
* Head outside and rake a couple of bags of leaves. One of the rakes broke and my 5yo appropriated the handle as his staff. While I'm raking, he's patrolling the backyard in his own virtual world as an all-powerful mage. Yeah, you don't need online gaming when you're 5, you can make VR in your head on demand.
* Check the AH again, 2 more Dark Jades are up at 40g each. At least the market it moving in the right direction.
* Shrink wrap the leaky windows in the living room.
* Check the AH again, prices down to 17g. Grab 2, hearth back to Dalaran, get on a bird to Valiance Keep.
* Shrink wrap more leaky windows in the living room. Change some light bulbs.
* Turn in JC quest, log my bank alt and mail back all my food and enchanting supplies. Level each of them up a little bit. Burned up all my Cosmic Essences and greened all my cooking recipes.
* Shrink wrap the dining room windows. Look up the manual for the new rug scrubber (misplaced) so that Mrs. Beros can clean the rugs in front of the tvs (dogs + kids snacking = rugs need cleaned).
* Convince Jr to log his DK off for a few minutes, show him one of the the daily pvp quests in Grizzly, head over to the quest areas out East.
* Dinnertime, then little kids to the bathtub. Jr back on his DK.
* Jr getting bored with leveling in Zangarmarsh, agrees to let me log Beros. And even takes over the kbd for me when I have to go tuck in the little ones.
* End up spending an extra hour with my 5yo who can't fall asleep.
* Come back to find Jr knocked off a half dozen quests, parked Beros by a quest mob and headed to bed himself.
* Chat with Mrs. Beros and Jrette about Disneyworld travel, holiday plans this year and travel in general for the future. Jrette likes to travel and wants to hear about the travels Mrs. Beros and I went on when we were young.
* Log back on a couple of hours later and get back to the grind...

I expect I'll ding 76 tonight, I logged about 4 bubbles shy. With luck, I'll find a nice starting quest hub in Zul'Drak where I can knock off quests in bunches. Won't be a late night tonight, though.

I've tentatively decided to stick with my current professions. I'm pretty sure the Enchanting ring-buffs are a solid advantage. I'll gamble that high-level JC will let me make some trinket/necklace that will be best or near-best in-slot. Inscriptions was tempting for the extra Glyph, but it'd be a huge effort to start over and I suspect I'll have plenty of other things to do for awhile.

So I'm more than happy to cut any green gems anybody needs in Northrend. A few more cuts and I can start getting the blue recipes from the trainer. I'll plan to grind it myself in a few days via the AH if I don't get any customers (which I might not since I'm not the only JC around). I'm burning mats spamming enchants on my own gear and will happily share with anybody standing near me. So far, I've melted every drop and quest reward. I guess in a few levels, I might start getting upgrades. In the meantime, it's a reasonably steady stream of skilling mats.


sskirby said...

Just so you know, Beros, it's Blizz's new policy to not have any 'best in slot' items that are only usable by profession practitioners (i can't find the blue post about it right now, but i'm 99.9% sure that Ghostcrawler said this). Their current philosophy is to provide BoP craftable items that will help you level or be a stepping stone to something better. Any 'best in slot' items will drop off raid bosses or be BoE so that the crafters can benefit from selling them

sskirby said...

Found that blue post here

Paul J. Reber said...

I read that note too, but it seemed to refer specifically to weapons (e.g., blacksmithing). I think people are really sensitive to weapon quality and if the best weapon was craftable a lot of people would power-level blacksmithing just to make it.

My sense is they are trying to make each profession have some self-only buff of roughly equal quality -- it is notable there was nothing useful about blacksmithing in BC.

Enchanting gets you 2x ring enchants. Inscriptions gets you an extra glyph (I think). JC gets you the BoP gems, but that's actually less of a buff than the enchanting buff (because they are unique). Then late in BC they added the trinkets and that made the JC self buff much bigger than the enchanting buff. I'm hoping/gambling that they'll make JC at least similar to enchanting in WotLK, but I haven't tried to look up the details yet (I'm also assuming it'll change).

They've also added new self-enchants from LW and alchemy now, right? And weren't the Engineering helms best-in-slot in BC? I wonder how they'll tweak that.

But they should definitely give something to Blacksmiths other than the ability to make resist gear for the rest of us.