Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thus endeth the streak

After 10 wins in a row, we finally ran out of clever improvisations and failed to complete the bear run last night. We probably went too far from the known dps composition, we ended up swapping in 3 relatively newer people and seemed to be falling behind. On top of this, we had some role confusion and then a tank d/c during the Bear trash that cost us precious seconds.

I had noticed we were falling a little behind, but I'm always optimistic that we might find a way to pull it out. But when a certain mage jinxed us by announcing we were doomed mid-boss fight versus the Bear, I think we got a few people slightly distracted and suddenly found ourselves faced with a serious case of multiple-tank death syndrome. We actually scrambled through the fight without a real wipe, but the mount was doomed from there.

We completed the 3-chest run and got the ring and it looks as if we'd have had just under 12m to do the Lynx if we had kept trying after the Bear. On easy runs, we are at 16m there and even 14m isn't a problem. With our full-bore best dps, we could probably do 12m, but if we're behind because the dps is a touch slow, under 12m is probably not doable.

We'll go back on Wednesday and try to get another mount. I'm planning to log on tonight nearish to 11pm and see about a 25 person raid. I have a hunch it might be hard to fill since we haven't raided big in a couple of weeks. I probably need to get the word out that we're going to try to knock off a few more bosses before the patch so people know to show up. Otherwise, everybody will probably just keep playing warhammer or levelling alts or something.

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