Thursday, December 18, 2008

Kel'thuzad down!

On Monday... yeah I still suck at being timely. That was a pretty fun fight and a gratifying win. We spent about half the raid night cataloging the various ways to screw up the fight -- have somebody stand too far outside initially and overaggro the trash, try to melee Banshees, leave Abombs untanked, let skellies bleed through to the middle, stand in the void zones, forget to heal the victims of the frost block, stand in the void zones, stand too close to the tank and get him frost blocked, stand in the void zones, etc.

But sorting through all the chaos and closing it out felt pretty good. Then we went and got schooled on real balls-out chaos by trying Sartharian with 1 drake up. I think we set up the fight with too much depending on me -- tank the drake, collect the fire elementals, avoid the flame walls, avoid the void zones. Collecting the fire elementals is the hardest part of that and focusing on that caused me to screw up other things like avoiding the flame wall. We tried it again last night with a different drake and it seems like it would help if the healers are close enough to me for the consecrate to pick up the Lava Blazes. But since I'm moving around, they have to heal and also avoid the frontal cone breath of the dragon, which is also hard.

We never really felt like we got going seriously on the Sartharian+1 fight. However, I'm unsure whether it was technical/positioning or we just need a little more gear. For example, after Monday, it felt like we needed 3 healers, but maybe you have to be able to 2-heal it to manage the dps to kill the drake's portal add(s), the blazes and still get Sarth down before it gets crazy. OTOH, I think we were the worst geared group to do the ZA bear run, so I believe we're capable of fairly strong technical play with practice.

We did some more Naxx again Tues & Wed, but moved at a leisurely pace. We tried going for the achievement kill on Grand Widow without success. We also noticed we're about a full minute short of the 3m achievement kill on Patchwerk. Patch is a simple fight, so that probably indicates we're a bit undergeared for achievements yet in Naxx.

It felt like the last couple of nights were a little less joyful than last week's Naxx. Maybe a accomplishment-hangover following the excitement of our first KT kill and realizing we won't have another big accomplishment like that for a little while? Or maybe with the kill achieved, people have started thinking more about gear optimization as their next thing to work for. Sadly that depends on loot distribution, which is less team-oriented and maybe less fun-oriented. Or maybe it was anticipating the slower raiding schedule of the next couple of weeks due to holiday vacation travel. Or maybe it was just all the extra wipes testing ourselves against the harder versions of the battles.

Hopefully, the breaks over the holidays will get people pumped up again. I'll be frequently unavailable until around Jan 3rd. I will be trying to get online with the craptop to at least do the daily JC quest. If I can get >5 fps, I might try to do something more complicated, but I'm not counting on it.

I'm planning to put Heroic (25) raiding on the schedule first week of next year (Jan 6). It looks like we can clear Naxx-10 in two nights for both raiding groups, so it's time to measure ourselves against the Heroic versions and see how far we can get.

1 comment:

sskirby said...

It did seem a little less joyous after getting KT down, didn't it? Maybe it was people being tired? Correct me if you think i'm wrong, but I suspect that a large part of the bad feelings are more from people having low confidence in how our loot distribution system will work in the 25-man raids and the impression that some people are holding out for best-in-slot items and passing over perfectly good upgrades.

On a more upbeat note, I think we'll work things out :)
