Friday, December 5, 2008


I took the night off from raiding last night and Uglykid put together the second group of Naxx raiders from the guild. Of course, then he kept having to afk to take care of his little one but they pressed on to take down the first boss in the Military quarter and then the entire Spider wing.

So that's 9 bosses down in total in our first 3 nights in Naxx using 2 mostly different groups of raiders (there was some overlap in the groups). I'm planning to go back with the group from Wednesday this coming Sunday and try to get Thaddius and Loatheb. That'd give us 3 wings clear our first week and I think it's a reasonable shot. It's also possible we might even find a way to clear the military quarter and even pop the last wing open on Monday night.

Having the 2 groups sharing the instance makes planning a little tricky. It's also possible we could use some spare time to investigate Sartherion for additional amusement.

I was thinking of trying to run a heroic or two for badges/rep last night, but getting on late meant everybody was already in a run or Naxx. So I did some quests and JC stuff and listened in on vent a bit. I even fished up some Dragonfin and made the 40 str/40 stam food that I think is optimal for me tanking (finally hit 400 cooking and can start getting recipes). I also took some time to tidy up the DKP listings from the Tues/Wed raids. I still need to work out some options/issues with the DKP interface, but I think the data is reasonably accurate now at least.

Tonight will be another semi-off night. Maybe I'll get on in time to run heroics, or maybe I'll just end up questing for more gold again. I spend a bunch on Titanium so that Dethno could make me the cool crafted shield. I think I owe somebody a Frost Orb still for that and maybe some Eternals. I'm hoping to be able to contribute some nice crafted stuff myself from the epic JC recipes, but it'll take 10 days at least to make the first ring or neck and I'm already wondering if we'll see better drops by the time I can make them. I'll stockpile tokens until the last minute just in case.

I'm still pleasantly surprised that is getting out of the gate on raiding so well. We're probably going to have to plan the jump to Heroic mode (25 person) sooner than I expected as well.

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