Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Leisurely was the pace we were moving at through Heroic Naxx last night. I think it's ok not to push, push, push all the time, but maybe we'll have to work on keeping up the pace more next week.

We got slowed down at invites by having 26 people and too many healers (is that even possible?). Then we had a rash of dead people during trash, loot discussions, overpulling while all the healers were discussing loot, more rezzes, afks, d/cs and occasional losses of focus.

We also hesitated over whether to try repeating achievements and I think in the future the answer will be 'no' in advance. We'll know which things we'll try the hard way and speed pull everything else. And I think we'll avoid waiting on afks, d/cs, etc. Worst case, somebody misses a piece of loot because we did a fight with 23 or 24. Probably people won't afk before bosses they really care about. And hopefully people won't start afking before other bosses too much.

We almost called the whole raid a bit early last night because we got a handful of tells from people asking to be replaced. Maybe that's to be expected as Naxx becomes familiar and unexciting. My first thought was to get replacements. My second thought was to call it early. My third thought is that if that starts to happen, then we drop down to 20 people for the last couple of bosses and start working towards the achievement that way. If we can knock off a couple here, a couple there, we can figure out what's hard with 20 and make finishing that achievement a little easier.

On a positive note, we set kill speed records on many bosses and were within 2s of the achievement on Patchwerk. We've heard that when you can do that, you are also likely to be able to do Loatheb w/o killing Spores. We tried Loatheb without Spores, but we think we killed one by accident. However, I'm no longer sure it didn't just despawn. If it got killed by Dethno with his bare hands via Retribution Aura, that'll suck since we'll have to lose the haste buff next time. It feels like we're really close on the Safety Dance, but we're still a ways off on no-shock Thaddius.

Tonight we'll try to tackle the instance with more focus. Knock off Gothik & 4 Horseman, then the Frost Wyrm wing and KT. Then over to the Eye for a solid set of pulls on Malygos. I think we're ready to beat that dragon. And with luck, we'll have a whole night on Sunday to work on Sarth+2, which I think we are also close to.

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