Monday, February 2, 2009


Due to some scheduling confusion, we ended up running Naxxramas instead last night. And we found ourselves starting with only 9 people. So we decided to run with 8 instead, clearing the achievements for the bosses in the Spider and Plague wings to do this.

There were a few wobbles on Anub'rekhan of all bosses when I realized I had never tanked it before and didn't really know exactly when and where to run. Plus the healing demands are different with a pally tank who can't intervene to get away. But after we got that down, it was smooth through the first 2 wings.

It was a quiet run on vent, probably because everybody was having to work just a little harder than usual. I know that dealing with the trash pulls with just one tank was occasionally more stressful. For me, the boss fights were about the same, just a little slower. I suspect the healers had to work harder on the boss fights, or maybe it was just like back a few weeks ago when these fights all just took a little longer.

We went to 10 for the Construct wing and took a crack at Patchwerk in 3m. It was 3m 30s, so we weren't really close. Everybody agreed we could use a shaman. I also wonder if everybody is running Naxx maxed out with elixir/food buffs. Maybe I should remind everybody to do that for Tues and see if we can do Patchwerk in 3m with 25.

Then we cruised through Grobb, Gluth and Thaddius. It's possible we could do all of those with 8 too, maybe we'll have to try that next week. Thaddius dropped the Repelling Charge that would look really good added into my gear, but Bloc had the DKP and it looks good in his gear too. He offered to /roll it, but if I don't respect the DKP, who will? We're off DKP in Naxx-10 as of next week anyway. Which makes sense, I think we sharded almost everything and nothing was an actual sought-after up except that trinket. Someday, I'll fill in the last trinket and upgrade my sword.

Tonight we'll try to get organized for Malygos & Sarth+1 again (non-heroic). Hopefully, the scheduling confusion won't persist and we'll have our solid 10 again. If that goes smoothly, we can go back and finish Naxx, but I'd rather focus on the progression fights and miss out the end of Naxx if we have to choose.

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