Sunday, February 1, 2009

Not running heroics

I got on late again, common for a Saturday night, and most people were already rolling along with their runs of various kinds. I did some raid prep, fished, farmed meat and cooked. Knocked off the Sons of Hodir dailies to get a little more rep, then the Wyrmrest ones for dragon riding practice.

Someday I'd like to do the Wymrest temple on that has a 2m achievement on it. I haven't been remotely close to it yet. I'd like to get more automatic on Aces High too, for Malygos practice, but I got distracted chatting with Nitnoid about the latest issues with OotC and their new guild Rising Storm and got shot down a few times.

A few people, all dps, were eventually interested in running some random heroics. I was up for that but the guild healers were all engaged. We discussed pugging a healer, but one of the reasons I haven't actually run very many heroics is that I haven't actually run anything in a non-guild group with WotLK released. Maybe I should just get past that, but every time I think about going to LFG channel to look for a group, I end up just deciding to do something else instead.

It won't come up tonight, though, it's a raid night. Darson can't make the raid, so we might need another healer for Malygos (Sundays are often not good for him). I'm sure we'll get it together. Maybe we'll get Sarth+1 with 10, too.

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