Monday, February 9, 2009

Incremental progress

A little over an hour of practice on Sarth+2 didn't get us there, but we did start to see some solid beginnings. We started to have a few pulls where we got Tenebron and all his whelps down without much in the way of losses. But couldn't quite manage to work through Vesperon reliably.

I'm not quite sure if it's adjusting to the healing demands of the -25% hp debuff plus the increased dmg on Dethno (MT) or just lasting that much longer while dodging flame walls, void zones and Lava Blazes.

On the plus side, once we decided to kill Vesperon and just do +1, it felt very easy -- not a single death in the fight. So there's definitely learning going on.

On Malygos, we tried the split-sides dps strategy and that did solve the sudden-tank-death syndrome we had been running into last time. We were able to consistently make it into phase 3, but kept hitting the enrage timer at ~10%. We need to shave off some time on getting to Phase 3 and that might mean going back to the harder Phase 1 strategy of moving Malygos around so that more people can get the spark buffs. I think it was taking us 4.5-5minutes to get through Phase 1 and if we can get an extra minute there, we'd make it (30s might even be enough).

We'll get to try both of them again next week. It's almost tempting to schedule them even sooner in the raid week, but it's probably still better to farm up more gear in Naxx first. We'll get to one of them late on Wednesday. Right now, I'd be inclined to try Malygos first since that did feel very close.

Tonight it's 10-person raiding again. The Bear group will practice Malygos more (hopefully just once :) and take another shot at Sarth +1 with 10. I probably missed my chance to try to beg for a quick Construct Wing run in Naxx-10 to try to get the Repelling Charge off Thaddius since I bet a lot of people are locked to cleared instances already.

1 comment:

sskirby said...

The Bear group was having interesting results in Malygos-10 last night. We were trying the strategy where the tank always strafes around the outside of the platform to orient Malygos directly away from the sparks. This allows the sparks to all be killed in the middle of the room and makes sure that everyone (including melee) has a double spark damage buff. We were getting through phase 1 in record time - just over 3 minutes (as opposed to our 5 minute average with the split dps strat). However, we were also getting these really odd damage spikes on the tank. A couple of times Dethno would take over 36K dmg in 2 sec or less. The sparks would get close to Malygos, but would always die and not become absorbed. The theory was that perhaps there is a bug whereby the spark can still buff Malygos if it dies too close to him.

After about 9 wipes perfecting the strat and dealing with just about every possible random occurrence that could possibly wipe the raid, we won. Phew!