Saturday, January 24, 2009

For instance

I actually ran some instances last night for the first time in awhile. I'd fallen into a raid & dailies/replenish schedule for awhile. But with Uglykid, Wiseman, Deathbecameu (Islowlykill) and Leoruuc/Hawksy we ran through HoL (normal) quickly to not get my tanking trinket, then Utgarde Pinnacle (heroic) quickly to not get my tanking sword. Then we did Utgarde Keep and Azjol-Nerub heroics as well. In Azjol-Nerub, we were able to do both of the heroic instance achievements we tried, although it took a few tries.

The first one is to kill the first boss with all 3 of his Watchers still alive. We tried having me slowly collect everything, kill the killable adds and work up to the boss, but it was very hard to stay organized. It was very easy for an add to get pulled off me and/or web cocoons to hit the healer and cause a wipe. Eventually we tried it more ez-mode -- we had the Deathknight use his ghoul to aggro all the adds and run them to the instance door and we burned down the boss. That still took a few tries and even when it worked, we wiped when they returned. But we got the achievement, heh.

The other achievement was kill the last boss in <4m, I think, and we just beasted it.

It was pretty fun. Maybe I'll get on to run some more instances tonight.

The Badger group went to Malygos instead of Naxx last night and won. I want to finish off that fight too, but we were also planning to clear Naxx. In theory, Naxx is doable in one night. But given the possibilities of bad luck (d/c's, etc.) what's the best approach? Naxx in one night Sunday and Malygos Monday? Or the other way around.

Oh yeah, I forgot to post the Sun/Mon Naxx-10 Bear group invites to the calendar. I'd better do that tonight or people will think we're not running for some reason and won't show up.

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