Monday, January 26, 2009


We rolled non-heroic Naxx hard last night. I don't even think we got off to a real on-time start, but we picked up the pace once we were going. We did the 20m achievement from Anub'Rehkan to Maexxena. Then set new kill time records on almost every boss from there. Patchwerk went down in 3m 18s, just barely slower than the achievement. At Sapphiron, we paused and decided to go ahead and try it with <100 frost resist on everybody (no auras) even with just 2 healers. It was a bit messy and Kyoka had to solo dps the last few percent, but we got the achievement.

We got to Kel'Thuzad at about 5 minutes short of the usual end raid time (2:30am) meaning we still cleared the place in just about 3 hours flat. But instead of just finishing off the instance, we decided to do an achievement that requires killing 18 Abombs first.

Which would not actually have been that hard except we were also playing sloppily by then -- maybe the late hour wasn't the best time for something complicated. We goofed up a bunch of simple things and wiped a few times. Then wiped some more by pulling way, way too many Abombs. Then finally won a messy fight that shouldn't have been messy.

We did learn that Hawksy can near-solo heal the fight for a long time if either of the non-holy spec paladins help a little (by working very hard). We also learned that Dethno can hold KT and both adds for a very long time if the healing holds up. We also learned that I don't have a very good sense of the ice tomb danger range and got pwned on both of the last 2 puls (including the win) by being caught too close to somebody else while positioning the adds (which is how we learned Dethno can tank them and KT too).

But mostly we learned that Naxx is weaksauce for us now and we got a stack of Abyss crystals to show for it. Well, and I got 2 more T7 pieces too, but I think I was the last one to get to 4/5. Post-raid, we decided that our crystal farming rate means we should drop the guild bank price of the crystals to 25g tops (free was also mentioned). I'm also thinking a lot more about the suggestion to drop DKP entirely for Naxx-10. That should happen soon.

Also hopefully soon we'll beat Malygos with the Bear group and then start doing Sarth +1 in both non and heroic modes. And Heroic Malygos.

We're closer to beating all the available content than I've ever been in any previous warcraft patch. The content is easier this time, but I think we've got a pretty good team working together too.

I guess Sarth +3 is the final, hardest content right now. Something to shoot for after Heroic Malygos.

1 comment:

Darsonsind said...

i am watching a youtube about how to down 3 drakes with Sarth.
This Sarth25 + 3drake Strategy Guide video is really useful.