Sunday, January 11, 2009

Halls of Stone

Thanks to a slightly tipsy but insistent Barantir, we ran a Heroic Halls of Stone last night. I had asked in /guild if anybody wanted to run earlier but when only a few healers replied, I just did the JC daily, then went fishing. I realized earlier in the week that I could use JC to upgrade a couple of pieces of my healing gear -- just in case I'm really going to be reliably healing in 25s (or need to optimize both sets of gear because I'll be swapping back and forth a lot). So I made the mana regen trinket and have started saving tokens for the epic ring and maybe neck.

But then Barantir got on and pulled the run together. Sadly, by then I was getting pretty tired and nearly sleptwalked through the run. I don't think it was just me either, the run started to get a bit choppy towards the end. But we finished it off.

Tonight we'll get back to raiding again and hopefully do >50% of Naxx. I'd like to get the KT this week. One of the things about working on 2 sets of gear is you start to notice how many T7 tokens you're going to want to get.

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