Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Comcast hates me

I've had two running nights of unusually bad connection problems. I think it might be related to Comcast's recent notification that they were "upgrading" my service -- at no additional charge! Hopefully if that's it it'll pass quickly. However, my computer has also been acting odd occasionally with little freezeups, which seem like they might be associated with when I have the iPhone plugged in to charge. That makes me worried that the latest iPhone/iTunes software has some glitch. Or worse, there could be something else unstable running on my system.

I still hold out hope it's external and passing. On top of the connection issues last night, we had two power interruptions to the house -- all the lights blinked off for a few seconds and came back on. Both shut down the comp. The first one required a full unplug/reboot of the cable modem as well. The second one just knocked me offline for an extra few minutes.

So I didn't raid much during the 4-wing Heroic Naxx clear last night. I did sub in for Gluth and my connection held up for that fight, but I got polarity-gibbed during Thaddius after barely making it through the first adds, had to have Renren pick up my adds on Noth, got nova-gibbed during Heigan and d/c-ed 2 or 3 times during Loatheb. So we got Dethno back in for the Military Wing.

Tonight we'll wrap up the Frostwyrm wing. I think we're almost exactly on the pace I predicted last week. Maybe power law learning applies to raiding too. ;) That will leave us time to work for awhile on either Sarth +1 (Tenebron) or maybe Malygos. On one hand, Sarth +1 is probably easier and if we give up, we can just down Sarth and get loot. On the other hand, both 10s beat Malygos last week, so that seems timely too.

Whichever we do tonight, we'll do both next week. I announced a schedule change for next week so that we'll spend 3 nights in the Heroic instances. We can slow down in Naxx and try for the boss achievements and/or work on the other progression. Naxx-10 is degenerating to Abyss crystal farming, so we'll take that off the main schedule and DKP and just do it pick-up mostly starting next week.

1 comment:

ComcastCares1 said...

Sorry about the connection issues.

We can check the problem on our end. If you are willing to provide the phone number listed on the account, we will make sure this is looked into.


Mark Casem
Comcast Corp.
National Customer Operations