Monday, January 12, 2009

Half a Naxx

Well, maybe not quite half of Naxx. We did get Plague, Construct and Anub'Rehkan before we started to lose people (Dethno called in to work, etc.). If we get started on time and get on a roll, we have a decent shot to finish the place tonight.

Somehow farming Naxx-10 seems less thrilling than trying to finish Heroic Naxx, though. Maybe we should push for more Heroic Raids next week and not worry about whether we leave enough time to clear 2x 10s, too.

Finally replaced my ZA shoulders last night. Then ran into a funny bug making a gem for them. Clicking on "Royal Shadow Crystal" casts that spell, but the result is an Infused Shadow Crystal. I put in a GM ticket after it happened twice and verified that I didn't misclick and got email today confirming it's a known bug. That's a weird one to sneak into the live release. I wonder if they'll replace the wrong-cut gems or if I'm just out of luck. I should probably go buy a Twilight Opal version of it anyway, I probably won't be replacing these for awhile, especially given how long it seems to take me to replace shoulders. If the T7 token finally drops down to me, I can use them to replace my BT healing shoulders.


sskirby said...

I was a little critical of our progress last night, something that i should probably couch in more delicate terms than i did. However, i do remain optimistic that we'll be able to iron out the wrinkles and still kick some butt.

I admit that me being n00b dps most certainly wasn't helping anything. I think i killed myself twice due to Seal of the Martyr self-inflicted damage. Quite embarrassing!

One of the things that tends to make me sad is how much loot we're DE-ing. Is there any way to get some other classes into our runs? A shaman would be great. Where are our druids? Seems like they're slacking lately ;)


Paul J. Reber said...

I think it's ok to be occasionally critical among friends -- I think Wiseman worried when it looked several people were cross-reinforcing the criticisms. That can get ugly and lead to blaming teammates.

Things can be put more delicately at times. You might have noticed me occasionally taking a little extra time to put things in the most charitable possible light. ;)

Here's a Chinese proverb I read the other day:
"He who blames others has a long way to go on his journey. He who blames himself is halfway there. He who blames no one has arrived."