Friday, January 9, 2009

Early night

"Holy hell, I'm healing spec. Was I drunk last night?"

Was basically my reaction to logging in. I didn't really forget that I had respecced holy, but after logging in, seeing Naxx (Badger) and some Heroics already going, I moused over my lame holy gear and didn't know what to do.

I looked up a few rep or quest rewards, thought about going after some crafted gear. Then considered the annoyance of doing dailies as holy spec and decided just to call it an early night.

I think maybe I'll make Thursdays a regular "off night." I've been asked to help out in my 5yo's kindergarten class one morning a week for the next couple of months and Fridays would be a decent one. They are having a behavioral problem with one of the kids in the class -- he's so unruly, disruptive and aggressive, there have already been police reports filed against him. You get some kids who have problems in the public school, but I've never seen a kid this far gone this young (kindergarten!). So there's an effort to get more parents to come help out in the classroom and try to help keep it under control. Also, the school is resisting moving the kid to special ed, which he clearly seems to need, so more parents might help document the issue. My son's teacher is really wonderful and is more than happy to have parents around a lot. We feel bad that the ongoing problem is hurting the environment so much.

I guess that's a bit of a bummer of RL blogging. I could tell more interesting RL stories about the regular New Year's party, but I've been sworn to secrecy ("what happens at New Year's, stays at New Year's").

Maybe I'll get on early enough tonight to get into a Heroic run. I wonder whether I'll end up healing or tanking.

1 comment:

sskirby said...

Interestingly enough, I also thought that questing would be a real drag as holy. However, once i tried it, it wasn't that bad. As ret i can crank >1700dps but as holy i do 900-1000dps. And when you factor in the time running between mobs and the fact that as holy you can pull at 40 yards, the time to down a mob is pretty similar in either spec.