Saturday, October 25, 2008

Heroic Candy

No, wait, that's not right, I'm mixing up what I was doing last night. First I ran around semi-pointlessly collecting candy (cleared Outlands and Eastern Kingdoms). Then I got recruited into a group running through various Heroics for achievement purposes.

We knocked off Heroic Mana Tombs pretty quick and then headed for Underbog. Of note in Underbog, Wiseman got d/c right before the first boss, so we just pushed on with 4. Later Stupidrenren went briefly afk and we kept clearing the trash with 3: tank (Dethnotronic), dps (Beros) and healer (Leoruuc). Practically speaking, the only effect of going with 3 was that it required more care not to double pull.

The bosses all went down pretty trivially still with 4 -- Wiseman lost power and was never able to get back on. I guess I knew we were overpowering the place, but I don't think I realized by how much.

Wiseman and Dethnotronic appear to have gone completely crazy for achievements. That's amusing to me, but I don't think I'll get the bug that badly. I do want to knock off the rest of the dungeon achievements (at least Outlands). And I might kill time collecting more candy in Kalimdor next time I'm on waiting for a group to form.

The other set of achievements that tempts me is some of the reputation related ones. I'm not exalted with Consortium, Kurenai or Sporegarr. The last two seem like they'd be real grinds, so I might never bother. But Consortium gives some more gem recipes, so maybe I need a few more Heroic Mana Tombs runs -- I think last night's run gave me a couple of K rep, bringing me to 5k/21k. I'd also be tempted by the city reps, but I need ~10k for each major city and I'm not even sure how to tackle it. Runecloth? Alterac Valley quest turn-ins? I need 10k or more with each and I'm not going to spend a million hours on it, though.

Tonight we should get back to raiding. We could farm up the loot we left behind in TK/SSC, or maybe we should just press ahead into Mt Hyjal and see if we can get to Archie for a look. There's not a lot of time left before the reset to go back if we don't get a handle on the encounter. Also, I'm not sure if the rest of MH will really be trivial. We've been running with very low numbers of healers lately (4-5) and it's still T6. I guess we'll figure it out on the fly as always.

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