Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Well, sorta. I did log on and run a couple of quick dailies before resting. I think my cold is finally getting better, but I was suddenly and thoroughly fatigued last night. Today is a bit better again, at least.

I'm running dailies again because I took another look at my Ret gear and realized it wasn't actually quite where I wanted it to be. In particular, I looked at the Ret talents and realized the haste rating isn't as useful as strength because it doesn't help with any of the instant cast spells which are a significant fraction of Ret dps. So I asked Bloc to make me a Red Belt of Battle, then went and grabbed the badge dps gear upgrades I had my eye on and got everything enchanted. And then noticed that I didn't actually have everything epic socketed or even optimally socketed.

I have some blue/green gems and I think I also might have overdone +hit rating (some of the new gear has +hit built in). So I need something like 5-7 more Crimson Spinels to cut Bold and add more +10 str gems.

But I'm out of badges and can only afford to buy the gems (for 150-170g each) a few at a time. So I'm running dailies to be able to afford the rest of my gems. And I'll try to run some more badge instances like ZA or even alt-KZ. Also, I'll be willing to buy the gems from people who want to convert 15 badges into 150gp as quickly as I can afford to.

I'm increasingly sure I'm going full Ret next Tuesday and staying that way for awhile. If there's no major nerf, I might actually be topping the dps charts. Since all the tanks can AoE tank now and we always have a surplus of tanks, we can bring all the prot warriors to tank instead of rotating. The main thing that might change my mind is if the warriors can respec and actually out-dps me. But (a) I don't think so, and (b) they've rotated dps a lot in the recent past and I think they won't mind getting more chances to MT.

Speaking of badges, we should run ZA tonight.

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