Friday, October 17, 2008

Old school

That was pretty fun. Even with a very late start due to some "extended maintenance" or something or other for Elune, we pulled together twenty-something people and went and pwned MC rapid-style for the achievement. It was so quick and painless that we continued on into BWL, but started to slow down as it got late. We found ways to die, forgot about the boss's specials, got stuck with the port-out/summon-back/afk cycle.

Late BWL stuff hits hard enough to make it worth bringing the old Onyxia Scale Cloak. Back then a 9k blow was a game ender. It's still annoying enough for the non-tanks. We thought about going to Onyxia last night too, but it got late. I think tonight we should go, skin some scales and make a couple of extra cloaks for the non-packrats. Then we can go back for the last couple of bosses in BWL.

Of note, once we kill Chromaggus (next), we'll have covered everything I ever saw killed pre-BC. So I'm looking forward to seeing Nefarian and digging into AQ as well. The mechanics of the bosses might be enough that we'll actually have to look them up, but at least we can count on still overpowering the dps.

Speaking of dps, I noticed in MC that Barantir was carrying the dps pace for much of the run, so I checked how he was doing it on Recap. It was all Consecrate. He was obviously spamming it and had nearly quadrupled my Consecrate total damage (my dps was melee, Divine Storm and Crusader strike at the top). Interesting. I don't hit that button enough apparently. I still think of Consecrate as a mana-soak and therefore occasional use, but with JoW returning 33% of base mana every 8s, I think I can afford to get out of that mindset.

A few people noted to me that we had a pretty strong group last night and might have expected some success in the T5 or T6 instances (even though we mostly had ~22 people). I wonder how much our extra dps will simplify those battles. Hopefully we'll find out next week. I'm particularly optimistic about Lady Vashj, though. In our last couple of attempts, it was really only the dps rate that was holding us back. We couldn't quite hack getting down all the elementals, the Strider and the Elites at the same time. I suspect that won't be a problem next time. Kael'thas might be more complicated. But I think we'll only need to kill those 2 to get the instance credit if we don't feel like clearing the whole place.

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